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Former Laugh Index Players (FLIPs) are our past players who performed regularly with in s past season.

Over 300 performers have called their home at home time or another since 2010.


Former Laugh Index Players: 2010-18

Former Laugh index players

Greetings Former Laugh Index Players!

Our House Team Program is in its fourth season during 2017-18 and Hot & Sweaty is in its eighth season! We want to recognize all your contributions to Laugh Index on and off stage. The LIT website showcases our former players in two locations: Where Are They Now? & Former Players. We're always updating our system, and we'd like to ensure you're included. Please fill out this form, and we'll get you added. 

You can also submit this form at any time with a LIP Brag for our e-newsletter, The Laugher. A LIP Brag is anything notable that you've done that you want to share with others. 

Thank You!

Yours In Laughter, 

LIT Staff

Please upload a headshot of yourself for use on the LIT website and social media.
Please select one of the following:
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